On Being Seen

In Which Some Truths Are Revealed

Dhyana Kluth
6 min readFeb 17, 2022
Photographer Sabrina Norrie

I had not published any writing in a long while, busy birthing new work, parenting, co-creating communities, unraveling mysteries and healing my body-temple. These years have been a potent intense time for humans on this planet as we journey through an evolutionary portal together. I granted myself some self-care away from my husband and kids for four days for the first time in over a decade since I became “Mama”. Held by Divine Mother in a spirit-nourishing oasis, I received a blessing and transmission...

As I connect to my womb, Mary Magdalena comes to me. In her long robes and veil of deep reds, she smiles at me tenderly, radiating love and compassion. She has visited me before over the years, sometimes with Yeshua. I work with the medicine they bring to the world.

What you’ve just read is an excerpt of what I wrote for a book set to be released in April. I go on to share the gifts of insight and experience that I received while journeying within a gestational womb field. Incubation periods such as these are necessary for nurturing growth. I’ve certainly used this unusual time to do so. In the beginning of the epidemic that spread around the world, I drew myself inward in prayer — during the onset of uncertainty.

Settling myself into a meditative state every morning I practiced the Tonglen prayer for all people, especially for those crossing over suddenly finding themselves in an unexpected realm between worlds. There, many loved ones and loving souls waited to greet them and bring them home to the light of pure and infinite Love, the passage dissolving the fear and confusion that had surrounded them.

In a trance I visualized the hospitals, the families, the children and elderly. I breathed in all the fear, all the panic, all the not-knowing, the disruptions of rhythms of life, all the chaotic movement of a world shifting onto its back foot. Fight. Flight. Freeze. I breathed it into the space of my heart, where the descending light of love wrapped its filaments of charged particles around the dense energies, transmuting them with the resonance of love. I exhaled the softness of compassionate light and equanimity. Breathing it out around me, to my family, throughout my community and out toward the sea of souls across the planet.

This work in the subtle realms has left me in an interesting position in my suburban community outside the city of Manhattan, New York. Not many who know me are aware of these processes I go through and the depth of the work I do. That is ok. Those of us who do eventually find and support each other in our work within the field of unconditional love. This is to say to you, stay the course and trust what you know. Encourage others to do the same. We all must continue to support each other in the beautiful ways that we do.

I trust and take a leap of faith every day not knowing where my foot will land with each step. Where my life takes me when I trust exceeds any expectation I have when I grasp at and wrestle with my fate.

A counterpoint to what has come before. It is a process.

In the light of truth, we see clearly a multidimensional existence. How that truth is defined is no matter. There are many facets of the whole and mostly we each have a unique perspective. I surmise that is one reason why this is a time for collaborations like no other.

Exposing myself to a wider audience, in my spiritual therapy work and in my writing, has brought me new insight into the nature of being. Expansion inevitably does this. Gently leaning into the edges of my discomfort and vulnerability is all kinds of feelings and experience. I am stretched, my awareness and ability expanding and contracting in cycles of receptivity and defense. Leaning into those places of fear, I face all matter of bits and pieces of my inner selves that have been stirred up by the chaos of these times. Some parts of self are hollering warning, others feel giddy with childlike delight, some are thawing from their various states of petrification. One soars on the wings of Spirit with a trusting acceptance.

Photographer Sabrina Norrie

It is this acceptance which I welcome into the world now, to resonate with a frequency of unconditional love. This delighted state of being is one that brings us all into alignment with life. I wonder what that feels like to you? To me it feels like the sunny disposition of a patch of yellow dandelions. Sunflowers with their strong stalks and solar discs mirroring the suns rays!

This is where we are being asked to stand on this earth at this time.

Enforcement is a decaying program. To usher in a new earth we are being supported by Spirit — all those who have past and those beings whose nature it is to nurture our embodied souls. It is done with the gentlest of love and acceptance. Disintegrating generations of enforcement mindsets embedded in our epigenetic memory.

We are being supported by our angels, our spiritual guides, and ancestors. They weave with us in unique ways from parallel dimensions of existence. We can feel their light penetrate our knowing more and more as we surrender our shackles to receive such liberating truth.

It is time to thrive. This is why it is time for truth to be seen. Why I am compelled to come out from seclusion into the world of the visible with the light of my inner flame burning bright enough for those with the eyes to see to take notice. You, too, are a beacon. Light the lamp and shine it out into the world, brothers and sisters. I write about this pillar of light and visions with Mary Magdalene, Isis, Bastet, Sai Baba and Kuan Yin in my upcoming book, Isis Mother of Magic. It’s part of an internationally best selling series by Kiva Publishing, and many authors from around the world have come together to share their stories and uplift the myriad rising feminine voices.

This time of collaborative spirit is uniting and harmonizing energies, bringing balance between the alchemical feminine and masculine principles within us, and in the world. Systemically. It has been foretold. The realms of polarities will work together, building bridges across divides. Already, it has happened.

You may ask yourself, where do I stand? How do I fit into this puzzle? How do I participate? Your soul is uniquely yours. Each of us has a specific and particular gift and personal sphere of influence. That is why it is imperative that we each do our part to fulfill our purpose. We are not all teachers, healers, lawyers or politicians. Our individual specialities are all needed in this global community where we are all thriving.

There have always been those who walked a different path. One close to nature. But within systems of governance, organizations that have used policing, punishment and coercion to control outcomes, these programs are being disrupted by a questioning public. Within families where we have perpetuated these programs of oppression, there have always been outsiders who break the mold, forging paths back to harmonious cooperative egalitarian living. Now there are movements to be inspired by. The programming is being decolonized from our minds around the world in conversations on podcasts, in healing spaces, communities and families. As these natural alignments take place, more and more will question the status quo. More and more people will make seismic shifts in their lives that affect the constellation around them in their work and relationships, shifting perspectives and policy.

How will you evolve the world? The future is what we collectively make of it every day, just as we are the choices we make every moment. What is the truth of your soul? What have you been gestating and are about to give birth to in your life? Trust it will keep growing, always evolving and learning. That is the nature of this life, the truth of our subtle existence.

Gratitude for the all Guardians of the Light and Love



Dhyana Kluth

Mother. Vision Catalyst. Psychospiritual Therapist. Nature Lover. Intuitive Healer. Holistically Empowering ​Individuals and Communities. linktr.ee/dhyanakluth